Wednesday, December 22, 2010


IS here. Finally. All this cold weather and family being so close and sharing so much love makes me want to walk down a snow filled street holding hands with someone. Egghhhhhhhhhsdlkfj yup.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


me - "why are the sunsets in california so beautiful!?"
someone else - "because there's so much car pollution to sun is burning it off, so the colors are just the pollution being burned away."
me - "oh.....great....."

Yay for killing the ecosystem. Lets me mindful, friends. Stay green, stay classy.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


I hear its snowing in some parts of NC....lucky you.

Friday, December 10, 2010

East Coast/West Coast/Best Coast

Sure enough, I'm not in New York, and never posted more than 1 blog entry my entire time in new york some 5 months ago, but that trip has lead to more than I could have imagined, and is still leading me places that people dream of. All I'll say is that life and the stars in the sky are being so good to me, and I'm thankful......keepin it rollin, keep on singin, keep on playin.....this is so much fun, and I can't wait to be able to talk about it. xoxo

ps, i think that climate change is causing a head cold.....can't have that.....

love yall

Friday, July 23, 2010

I shuffled through the city on the 20th of July

I will be in New York, New York from July 20-August 6.

I will be updating.

It might be boring.

Two things so far, Brooklyn is awesome, and Starbucks is on every corner. But most people already know that!! So far I've been to 8 different coffeeshops and countless places to eat. I played a show in Brooklyn at Bar4 on July 21st. There wasn't a whole lot of people there (15-20) but it was a small venue so it was nice! Not to mention the Bar itself is great.

Yesterday, I shipped off my parents and now I'm up here hangin out. Today I went with my friend from Wilmington, Cody Ray, to The Museum of Natural History. Can someone I don't was fun. Then I had a pizza which had probably a whole chicken on it with major hot sauce. Needless to say, I was in heaven. Then I just went around aimlessly to Urban Outfitters and Cafe Cafe in SoHo. Take it easy folks.
